9 February – 22 March, 2008
Exhibition Public Reception: Saturday, February 9 from 6 to 9pm
Work : Detroit Gallery, 3663 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI 48201
Regular Hours: 10am – 5pm Tuesday – Saturday
Gallery Phone: 313 593-0527
Exhibition Website: http://www.pathwaysumdetroit.blogspot.com
For Information Contact: Nick Sousanis
nicksous@umich.edu 313 593-0940
In “Pathways,” MFA candidates from the University of Michigan, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Eastern Michigan University, and Wayne State University exhibit work together at the new UM Detroit Center School of Art & Design exhibition space, Work : Detroit, in a juried exhibition focusing on the theme of consistency and change.
In addition to showcasing current work from each of the artist-designers, the exhibition also includes interviews tracing the evolution of each individual’s work from undergraduate experiences, to post-graduate experiences, to current work from graduate school. These interviews, displayed on DVD at the gallery, allow visitors to see how threads of work have developed, and how new paths have been explored and adopted or abandoned, all offering insight into the creative process.
Featured exhibitors include:
Katie Caron (Cranbrook), Tim Eads (Cranbrook), Charles Fairbanks (UM), Robin Grice (UM), Anna So Young Han (Cranbrook), Jessica Harvey (Cranbrook), Megan Heeres (Cranbrook), Nicole Marroquin (UM), Leyla Munteanu (WSU), Seth Papac (Cranbrook), Gypsy Schindler (EMU), Mark Sengbusch (Cranbrook), Adrienne Vetter (UM), Sadie Wilcox (UM), and Xueni Zhang (EMU).
Like the exhibition itself, the jurors also represent a unique collaborative effort among the participating universities. Director Nick Sousanis, a WSU alum, and assistant Steve Coy, a UM alum, were joined by Abigail Newbold, Preparator at Cranbrook Art Museum and Cranbrook alum, Bang Geul Han, assistant professor of interactive media at Wayne State University, Beili Liu, assistant professor of art at Eastern Michigan University, and Mark Nielsen, exhibitions co-director at the University of Michigan School of Art & Design.
About Work : Detroit
With the establishment of the UM Detroit Center in the cultural center of Detroit, the University of Michigan has returned to its roots and renewed its commitment to the people and the city of Detroit. To further cultivate this engagement with the community, the School of Art & Design is bringing together the creative communities of Detroit and Ann Arbor with a new shared space for creative work and dialogue — Work : Detroit, the School of Art & Design’s newest gallery.
Through its exhibitions and related programming, this first of its kind gallery promises to serve as an intersection for the convergence of people and creative work from Detroit to Ann Arbor and beyond. It is in this fertile terrain that ideas collide and new perspectives to help us all face a rapidly changing future bloom.
work : Detroit
a cultural nerve center where people, places, and creative work intersect